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Image Credit : RockPaperShotgun

Elden Ring: How to get to Mohgwyn Palace

19/05/2024 Vienna Kristy 420

Finding your way to Mohgwyn Palace in Elden Ring can be tricky. This hidden and remote area is home to Mohg, Lord of Blood, and is part of the vast underground region known as Siofra River. However, you can't reach it via Siofra River itself. This guide will walk you through the two methods of reaching Mohgwyn Palace, so you can decide whether to get there quickly or at a more appropriate time in your playthrough.

How to Get to Mohgwyn Palace in Elden Ring

There are two main ways to reach Mohgwyn Palace in Elden Ring: progressing White Mask Varré's questline or using the teleporter at the Consecrated Snowfield. The first method allows you to access Mohgwyn Palace much earlier in your playthrough, while the second method lets you reach it more organically, once you’re better equipped to handle its late-game challenges.

Option 1: Progress Varré's Quest (Fastest Method)

White Mask Varré is a character you encounter right at the beginning of Elden Ring. By completing his questline, you can gain access to Mohgwyn Palace early. Here’s how:

  1. Meet Varré: Speak to Varré upon entering Limgrave for the first time.

  2. Roundtable Hold: After visiting the Roundtable Hold, speak to Varré again.

  3. Great Rune: After obtaining your first Great Rune, meet Varré at Rose Church in Liurnia and acquire the Festering Bloody Finger.

  4. Invade or Defeat: Either invade 3 players using the Festering Bloody Finger or defeat Magnus the Beast Claw in Writheblood Ruins.

  5. Lord of Blood's Favor: Speak to Varré to receive the Lord of Blood's Favor.

  6. Soak in Blood: Soak the Lord of Blood's Favor in the blood of the maiden's corpse at the Church of Inhibition.

  7. Reusable Bloody Finger: Return to Varré to receive the reusable Bloody Finger.

  8. Pureblood Knight's Medal: Reload the area and speak to Varré again to get the Pureblood Knight's Medal.

  9. Teleport: Activate the Pureblood Knight's Medal to teleport to Mohgwyn Palace.

Completing these steps will get you to Mohgwyn Palace quickly, but be prepared for a tough challenge if you arrive underleveled. This area also offers one of the best level farming spots in Elden Ring, thanks to the Albinaurics near the Palace Approach Ledge-Road Site of Grace.

Option 2: Teleport from Consecrated Snowfield

The second method involves reaching the Consecrated Snowfield, a late-game area. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Haligtree Medallion: Find both halves of the Haligtree Medallion.

  2. Grand Lift of Rold: Use the medallion at the Grand Lift of Rold to access the Consecrated Snowfield.

  3. Locate the Teleporter: Head to the very western edge of the Consecrated Snowfield, about halfway up the region map. The teleporter is guarded by the game's strongest Runebear.

Consult the map below for the exact location of the teleporter:

Final Thoughts

Reaching Mohgwyn Palace can be daunting, but whether you choose the quick route via Varré’s questline or the more organic method through the Consecrated Snowfield, you’ll eventually face the challenge of beating Mohg, Lord of Blood. If you’re unsure if you’re ready, check out our guides on the best weapons, best builds, best armor sets, and best spells in Elden Ring to prepare yourself.

Happy adventuring, Tarnished!


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