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How to Reach Nokron in Elden Ring: A Step-by-Step Guide

23/05/2024 Maria Jones 195

If you’re itching to explore the mysterious and elusive Nokron in Elden Ring, you’ll need to tackle a few key steps first. Here’s how to reach the Eternal City and uncover its secrets.

1. Defeat Starscourge Radahn

Before you can set foot in Nokron, you must defeat Starscourge Radahn, who resides in Redmane Castle in Caelid. Radahn's defeat is crucial because it triggers a meteorite crash that opens the way to Nokron. Until Radahn is vanquished, there’s no way to access the city.

2. Understand the Connection

Ranni’s questline provides important context. Ranni tasks you with helping Blaidd retrieve treasure from Nokron. However, Blaidd is initially stumped on how to reach the city. He directs you to Seluvis, who then sends you to Sorceress Sellen in Limgrave.

Sellen explains that Radahn’s gravitational magic is preventing the stars from moving, which directly impacts Ranni’s quest, known as the Path of Stars. By defeating Radahn, you restore the natural order, allowing Ranni's destiny to advance.

Here’s what Sellen says:

"Well, well... Seluvis is not a name I ever wanted to hear again... But, fine. If it will help you, my apprentice, I offer my knowledge. The stars alter the fate of the Carian royal family. And the fate of your mistress, Ranni. But long ago, General Radahn challenged the swirling constellations, and in a crushing victory, arrested their cycles. Now, he is the force that repulses the stars. If General Radahn were to die, the stars would resume their movement. And so, too, would Ranni's destiny."

3. Locate Starfall Crater

After Radahn’s defeat, a cutscene will show the stars resuming their movement, followed by a dramatic meteorite crash in Limgrave. This impact site is known as Starfall Crater and serves as your gateway to Nokron.

To find Starfall Crater, head to Limgrave and look for the large crater just south of the Mistwood and west of Fort Haight. You’ll see floating rocks indicating the meteorite’s landing site.

4. Access Nokron

Once at Starfall Crater, drop down from the northern edge onto a path that splits. Take the right-hand path and jump down several drops to lower platforms until you reach the ruins of Nokron.

5. Prepare for Exploration

Nokron is a challenging area, so it’s wise to level up your character and ensure your gear is up to snuff before diving in. Check out our guides on the best weapons, builds, armor sets, and spells in Elden Ring to gear up for your adventure.

With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to discovering the secrets of Nokron and continuing your journey through the Lands Between. Happy exploring!



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